If you are getting an error code that isn't listed here, you can contact the hardware device vendor's technical support or Microsoft Support for help.

Note This article doesn't contain all error codes generated by Device Manager. You may also click the specific error code to get more detail information. If the above steps didn't help you resolve your problem or were not available, locate your error code in the following table, and follow the recommended resolutions for that error code. Note Make sure that the device drivers that are being installed are compatible with your current Windows version and platform. If the device was preinstalled on the computer, and the computer manufacturer does not have an updated driver for the device, visit the device manufacturer's website.

If the device was installed after the purchase of the computer, visit the device manufacturer's website. If the device was preinstalled on the computer, visit the computer manufacturer's website. Follow their installation or update instructions. Update the device driver from the vendor's website. Updated the device driver from the vendor's website Update the hardware's device driver through Windows Update. Update the device driver from Windows Update You probably reached this article because Device Manager or another tool like DXDiag reported an error code, and you are not sure how to resolve it. In this article, we will help you find your error code and suggest what you might try to correct the error.įor general issues within Device Manager, see the following articles:ĭevice Manager does not display devices that are not connectedįor issues with specific device types, also see the following articles:įix printer connection and printing problems in Windows 10įirst, try any of the following common resolutions to correct the error: This article covers error codes that are generated by Device Manager in Windows.

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